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“[A] world-class museum of mining history…”

JUL 2020

“El Triunfo is the most popular… It’s a great one day trip.”

NOV 2020

“Like a single flower on a cactus, [this museum] is a gem in the middle of a desert.”

FEB 2020

“This region of Baja has a rich human history that dates back at least 10,000 years. Start at the Museo Ruta de Plata in El Triunfo…”

JAN 2020

“… in the surroundings of La Paz … to learn more about its history, just visit the Ruta de Plata Museum.”

JAN 2020

“… history has been well preserved.”

MAR 2019

“History is brought to life… on the East Cape… The legacy… is expertly displayed…”

FEB 2019

World-class museum and exhibits

“… world-class facility and exhibits …”

DEC 2018

(article no longer online)

El Triunfo “was once the largest town in the Baja peninsula with one of its most diverse and fascinating communities.”


More than 220 GOOGLE REVIEWS

Great little town excellent food, people are great so much history loved the museums, description are in English. Fun place to just walk around we've visited several times and stayed the night.

Triunfo is a little village high in the mountains between La Paz and San Jose del Cabo-the history of this area, what happened and where they are moving towards now is amazing and I highly recommend visiting. We took the double museum tour, which includes a short documentary, and toured the museums. This place is beautiful, peaceful, welcoming and so worth the visit! There are several restaurants, shops, and walkable trails to explore. This place will not be sleepy for long- reminded us of Todos Santos before it was so commercialized. Easy and safe drive, easy day trip from LaPaz, San Jose, Cabo or Todos.

A historic jewel of California.

“Excellent museum… very worth visiting”

“… rescues an important part of the past”


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